Okay, it was bad enough that I had to spend 9 hours sitting in the middle of a noisy scrum of Chinese businessmen on the way to Dakar, and one of the guys kept playing with the window shade like he was a friggin' 3 year old while I was trying to sleep, and
then we had to sit on the tarmac in Abidjan for an hour with no air conditioning and no bathroom access before finishing the trip to Dakar.
Then I get off the plane, head to Immigration, reach for the form and....
"Quelles Horreurs!!" I discovered Senegal is confronting a potentially deadly, yet somehow elegant sounding health scourge called, "La Nouvelle Grippe."
Which at least sounds better than gut wrenching cramps during a 12 hour shitstorm, or something....
Oh, wait, that's just French for Swine flu!! Okay, I need "une bier froide, tout de suite," or somebody's gon' get hurt up in this joint....
Mais, attendez....the hotel I'm staying at for the first two nights is Muslim owned, so no hooch.
Merde. (Stop playin'...y'all know what that means...)
Oh, well, at least the drive in from Senghor Airport was just lovely. Can't wait to get started exploring tomorrow.
Au revoir...a demain!
(Please note that I'm rapidly reaching the end of my repertoire of high school French. But hey, "repertoire" is a French word, right??? DAMN, I'm tripping...)
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