If that were possible, through self-mutilation, I would break the nearest piece of crockery and use the jagged shards to gouge out my eyes after reading an online story about the puke-errifically unholy alliance between Ann Coulter and Jimmy
"J. J." Walker.
Apparently, it's an ongoing, genuine friendship. As least as genuine as anything involving this bleached blonde, hate-spewing neckbone with legs can be. In the article, Jimmy just gushed over how adorable Ann is, and dismissed her vile behavior as her "shtick." Clearly, somebody needs to take a shtout shtick to the back of Jimmy's head. But then, as career moves for a bloated 62-year-old TV-Land relic go, I suppose suckling at the withered teat of Satan's Publicist is as good as any.
The article's writer mentioned that the cozy couple attended one recent event with Bernadette Stanis, the woman who played Thelma on "Good Times." She hinted at something so foul, it chills the blood. The online comments in response to the article only heightened my existential horror. Thelma, as were most of the online commenters, is convinced that Ann and Jimmy are playin' "Hide the Dy-no-mite," if you catch my drift.
I just want to turn back the hands of time to about January of 1961, right before the reckless act of intimacy between Lewis and Eloise Jones that resulted in ME. If that's what it takes to eliminate the craptastic cranio-sacral crime created by that image, so be it.
"I'm just sayin', dawg...."
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