In July, 2008, I, Princess Rachella, Intrepid African American Girl International Journalism Consultant, pulled up stakes once again and headed to Nairobi, Kenya. Through my various adventures, I've concluded that if I get any MORE explosively fabulous in these prequel years to "THE BIG 5-0," I will have to register myself with the Pentagon as a thermonuclear incendiary device.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Catalytic Converter

If you will recall, last night's email stroll down memory lane left me in a bit of a tizzy. A man from my past, whom we shall simply refer to as "Mr. DeFlowers" and leave it at that, reached through the Internet Cyber Mists to say hello and find out what the heck is going on in my life. It was a completely innocuous exchange, and at least until the toxic blend of red wine and lemongrass and ginger vodka made me pass out, I spent a lot of time reminiscing about "The Way We Were."
At the moment, it didn't matter that I had dated him 23 years ago, before we were both even fully formed psycho-social beings, and that no promises were made, and no child custody battles ensued. It was "just one of those thangs." So why did his contact freak me out so badly?
I'm not entirely sure, other than it seemed to be yet another example of how other folks seem to be a lot more skilled at collecting meaningful life appendages than I am. Sure, I've got most people beat in terms of world travel, amazing experiences, and some impressive professional accomplishments. But for some reason, I seem incapable of bringing anybody along with me for the ride. And so when Mr. DeFlowers mentioned the wife and kid, I completely lost my shit for a minute. It was like, "What are you trying to do, rub it in?? Well, I hope you've aged really badly, and your wife is a dragon, and your spawn is entirely incapable of getting hooked on phonics!!! So THERE!!!!"
But then, after about 4 Advil Liqui-gels and the clear light of dawn, I awoke to discover something amazing had happened. It seems Mr. DeFlowers had also tracked down this blog. And read last night's posting. And it appears he's much more of a grownup than I am. Because instead of dismissing me as a bitter harpy, which would have been an entirely appropriate response, he sent me one of the loveliest emails I've ever received! I won't share the entire contents, but I will say that he started by saying I'm still one of the best writers he's ever read, and mentioning that he STILL keeps a few of the newspaper features columns I wrote in the late 80's. (Okay, that's either slightly stalk-y, or just plain sweet). He said knowing me had made him a better person, and that I had been one of the "great women of his life."
I'm actually kind of stunned. Not so much that he thought I was a great woman, but because he didn't rip me a new one for being such a bitch in last night's post. But I'm also reminded that he's the 5th guy in recent years who's reached out after a break-up to basically say I was one of the best things that had ever happened to them.
Clearly, there is still much work to be done for me to evoke that state of consciousness DURING MY ACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS. But wait.....I take that back. In hindsight, I think that mindset may have been part of the problem. With most of the guys I pursued, I was like a cheerleader O'D'ing on Red Bull, doing furious backflips trying to get them to prove that they cared. Maybe if I'd just relaxed and been myself, things would have been different. (In fact, maybe if I'd treated them like shit, they'd have slobbered at my feet...)
But that's just "Stinkin' Thinkin'," and I refuse to go there! As I told Mr. DeFlowers in my carefully considered email response, I'm ultimately very grateful to him for contacting me. Initially, I'd decided not to respond directly, but then I connected with my Better Angel, who is a hell of a lot more mature than I am. After all, I had at least indirectly put his business out there on the Internet, so why be a chicken about it now? So I sincerely thanked Mr. DeFlowers for what he'd expressed. I wished him well, praised the picture of his adorable little boy, and said he'd been one of my first great teachers.
(And NO, not just in THAT way!)
You see, he was the first guy to decisively demonstrate that trying to force someone to behave like they want to be with you is a sucker's game. As I explained, it took me two decades to fully grasp that lesson, but I'm happy to anounce that it's now emblazoned on my brain.
Meanwhile, I take no small amount of comfort in realizing that for quite a few guys, I was the ultimate "catalytic converter," the engine that propelled them to a higher level and perhaps even made them treat the next terrific woman they met with a lot more thoughtfulness and appreciation. For that heroic effort, there's gotta be some kinda Karmic green stamps coming my way real soon.
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"Stinkin' Thinkin"
Wow.... I'm speechless.
I admit your post last night was at first an "unsettling" read. It remind me of your infamous letter to me upon your moving back to Cairo -- paraphrasing "our relationship is like a television going to white noise at the end of the night, but I'm too lazy to get up to turn it off". Boy that cut like a knife.
My response at that time was totally inappropriate, vulgar and tasteless. It shames me too this day. When I read your post. My first thought was - I'm not signing on for this crap. Just put the feeling back in the box and slide them back take under the bed with your letters and articles - yes I kept a few. But then I read rest of your blog. Your voice was so familiar - I understood.
I did not want to create the wrong causes... and I had not wanted to throw my "happiness" in your face. And, of course, to set the record straight, our first time was a romance dinner at your house - candles, music and everything. If we did fool around at my sister's I don't remember that as the first moment.
I am proud of your achievements and was bragging about your writing skills at our business meeting yesterday. I just lost my head (another idiom for your pleasure). You can take to man from 0 to 120 mph in the matter of seconds -- crash his car into wall, burn it, then buy him new recalled Toyota on the B-side -- then write about it online. Again, Wow.
Anyway, I must go to work now to support this little family I have here. For the record, I married a different type of professional woman - an attorney (in case you ever need this, in an argument , they never pose questions where they don't already know the answers ... case you ever date an attorney in the future- please use this nugget). She has a strong spiritual aura (she's an African-American Buddhist)and is a great wife and mother. I have tried to learned how to expand and to accept people as they come into my life. Their spirit and struggles help fill the gaps in my own life and furnishes me great hope. It's a beautiful thing (one last one)!
Much Love and Peace
Chuck, Out.
PS: I'll be looking for that email. :)
This Stinkin Thinkin thing is emotionally draining. I really dug up some powerful hidden "Thriller" drama buried deep in the head. Wow. Now I'm free :)
Reading your older blogs was really enlightening. Sorry you lost Julie. I think I spoke with her once. You both will continue to be in my prayers.
My last email was a total fragmented mess but I think you can sort it out.
I'm going to take a nap now and take a long break from the Blogging World.
Peace and Out
Mr. D.
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