It is a doggone shame that the first order of business on my birthday has to be updating my crazy readers on yesterday's post! (I'm praying for
ALL of y'all, okay???)
I had barely pushed the button on it when my girl Dorothy sent an email with the subject line, "Red Snapper." She giddily reminded me that my sister Marilyn's future husband showed up at her front door looking for directions, and that maybe this is my turn. Another email subject line from Joan screamed, "Call Homey!" And she reminded me that when we do meet, I need to make sure I had all the necessary ingredients ready, if you catch my drift. And then Denice was all, "Have a great birthday with Idris!"
First off, y'all need to stop playin', okay? You know good and hell well that if Homey had looked even vaguely like my dream lover Idris Elba, I never would have left Lamu in the first place! In that you can best believe. Ironically, that's a big part of my dilemma now, because I truly don't remember much about how Homey looked! I know he had a mustache, and I think he was tall, but then, I mostly saw him when I was sitting down grubbing on his food, so of course he seemed tall! Oh, and I never saw him without his chef's hat, so I don't know what shape his head is in. But then, even though I'm not totally shallow, I probably would have lied and told him I was fresh out of cards if he'd been completely hideous.
Anyway, by popular demand, here is a quick update on yesterday's events. I responded to Homey's text by welcoming him to Nairobi, and hoping he's having a great time. I also reminded him that I think of his coconut battered snapper quite often! Then I asked how long he'd be in town. He replied "2 weeks."
So, I've offered to buy him a drink one evening next week. He replied, "Ok, hakuna matata. Me, am free any day. Arrange." Now, for those of you who suggested I let him come to the Oasis and cook for me, here is my response:
"Have you lost your ever-lovin' minds???" First, for all I know, this guy could have
received his training from the Sweeney Todd Culinary Institute. He might want to sample my cerebellum with some fava beans and a nice chianti. Hence, our first meeting will be at a public, heavily-trafficked venue. Then we'll we see what's on the menu.
Anyway, now that I've got y'all straight, it's time to get this birthday thang underway. I'm treating myself to brunch and then an aromatherapy massage/oxygen facial combo, courtesy of the Archangel Julie's earthly representative, my dear brother-in-law Ron. And I'm just gonna stay focused on the blessings that another year of life can hold.
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