While chilling like a stone cold villain on a breezy Sunday evening at the Oasis of Graciousness, I'm finding it necessary to spend a few minutes reviewing the fantastic events of the past week.
Last Monday started with the unusual occurrence of seeing myself in the pages of a local newspaper. I suppose as long as you're not being arrested, led to an ambulance or lying mangled on the side of a road, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. But for someone who's worked in the media for 23 years now, it's still startlingly rare to see myself on the other end of the camera.
Next, I received an amazing long-distance "healing" from Oprah's Mystic in Chief, Marianne Williamson, during a show about women's mid-life transition. This morning, I realized that the past few days have been some of the most physically calm and comfortable I've spent in months. And it all started when I embraced Ms. Williamson's advice to stop resisting and dreading this natural phase of life. You never really know how much energy you're expending feeling miserable and frustrated until you just stop.
The very next night brought the hilariously touching "2nd Wives Club" proposal from Homey the Muslim chef from Lamu. In hindsight, there was some significant carryover from the previous evening's mystic awakening, because instead of processing it like some sort of offense, I accepted Homey's fulsome adoration. Unlike past years, I didn't automatically reject his praise as inauthentic, or make him feel guilty about "offending" me with such an outrageous request. Given my new mindset, it was entirely possible for him to fall head over heels for me, because I am an attractive, charming, nay, even sexy woman when I want to be. Hell, who wouldn't want to marry me?
Honestly, I really didn't think anything could top that, but then came the date that I hadn't even planned on having when I woke up Thursday morning and donned my fabulous new tailored jeans and racy fuschia blouse. I swear, I wore that outfit for myself, and wound up reaping some pretty remarkable benefits! It taught me a valuable lesson, one I've been out of touch with for a lot of reasons. But now I'm back in the groove. When you carry yourself like you know you look great, it attracts positive energy.
I had barely recovered from the remarkable-ness of the night before when I learned President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. By that point, I thought I was hallucinating! Then came my published column about it yesterday morning, which got lots of positive feedback.
So, here's what the past 7 days have utterly, indelibly convinced me of. When you exert your intention, with all your might, and you intend to have a positive experience, the odds are in your favor. Sure, there's still a chance that something could go wrong, and you'll just have to take that chance. But with mindful positive intention, it's different from sitting back and hoping something good will happen, or that things will turn out somehow. Last Monday, I "named and claimed" great things for the week ahead. And what a week it was!
So tonight, I'm gonna double down. I want a week that's even better than this past one was. And here's the great thing; this ain't no sucker's bet. I've got everything I need to make it a winner, and it's all inside of ME!
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