For some reason, I've been thinking a lot about Jill Scott's upbeat anthem, "Golden" lately.
I'm taking my freedom
pulling it off the shelf
puttin' it on my chain
wearing it 'round my neck
I'm taking my freedom
puttin' it in my car
wherever i choose to go
It will take me far
I'm living my life like it's golden
living my life like it's golden
living my life like it's golden
living my life like it's golden
living my life like it's golden
When I'm in a strong, rested state of mind, this is
my anthem, too. I'm fully aware of how blessed I am, and how the "storehouses of the heavens" have been opened to me so many times in my life.
But sadly, after a year of maneuvering the mean streets of Nai-robbery, I am golden only in the sense of being deep-fried and crispy around the edges. My nerves are plucked, and I'm scattered to the four winds. I've got soooo much on my plate, it's a side hustle in itself just making sure nothing falls off. And then the other day, I remembered that a few months ago, Jill Scott's partner and father of her newborn child left her a few days after said child was born. We're told Jill has moved on with her life, but I'm sure she also must have had moments when her life felt more like fool's gold.
So as I was doing some online research into the Golden Monkey Tracking tour I'll be taking next Saturday in Ruhengeri, Rwanda, I came across this picture that sort of summed up where I am these days. Oh, I'm golden, all right, but I've also got some sharp-assed fangs, too. These days, I'm just hangin' on til vacation week after next. But even with all the stress, I'm still pretty danged excited about heading to Kigali on Saturday, to lead a health reporting workshop. Another African country "notch on my belt", another group of journalists to interact with, some more amazing vistas to explore. I ain't got no car in Nairobi, but I'm putting my freedom in my taxi and heading to wherever I choose to go. My mind will take me that far.
So maybe in another week or 2, I'll morph into one of the cuter, cuddlier versions of the golden monkeys I just saw online. Until such time, just don't make any sudden moves around me, and no flash photography, please.
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