Okay, so I've been more than a bit triflin' lately. I've been so completely consumed with getting settled into "The Oasis of Graciousness," it's almost like I didn't actually tour an Internally Displaced Persons Camp just a few weeks earlier.
As I've reveled in my spacious new abode, I almost forgot about the squalid tents where dozens of family members huddle each day and night, listening to the wind whistling across the dusty plains of the Great Rift Valley. As I played around in my new pantry, lining up bottles and cans and boxes, I stopped thinking of the kids at PCEA Muniu Primary School, scampering across their barren playground chasing a raggedy tennis ball....
....At least, for a minute I did. And then I remembered that there's an Archangel named Julie hovering over me, just waiting for me to mess around and not follow through on my pledge to help start a feeding program for the kids at PCEA Muniu. She's up there juggling lightning bolts even as I type these words, trying to find the perfect one to gently singe my butt enough to snap me back to reality.
So I returned to the Maai Mahiu IDP camp recently and dropped off the toys I'd bought, as a start. A few of the tykes were so excited, they couldn't restrain themselves from bonking me on the head with the very pink plastic bowling pins I had greedily coveted. (It's just what I deserved for contemplating keeping them for myself.)
Anyway, as I prepare to board a KLM flight out of Nairobi tomorrow night, to spend two weeks back in the good old U S of A, I'm hoping all my US Homeys, Road Dawgs, and Gal Pals For Life will help me get the PCEA Muniu feeding program started off with a bang. I had hoped to get my PayPal account up and running by now, but no such luck. Maybe while I'm struggling through jetlag back in DC, I can get that accomplished.
Til then, feel free to email me at rachella50@gmail.com to learn how you can donate while I'm still in the US. I'll be there April 17th til May 1st, so if our paths happen to actually cross, feel free to "give til it feels good." If not, where there's a will and a mailbox, there's a way!!!
It's what the Archangel Julie would want. And I sure don't want to piss HER off.....
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