I now have a pantry. And it's so big, I can actually walk inside and close the door behind me, if I want to.
I am 47 years old, and I have never had a pantry before. I'm still trying to decide if that's either just plain hilarious or downright tragic, considering how much I love to cook.
Oh, and yesterday, I bought a bottle of vermouth. For the first time ever. I've probably imbibed 47-hundred martinis in my life, and yet never purchased a bottle of vermouth before. No need to overthink that one...it's irrefutably tragic.
But it's never too late to become a social doyenne, and that is my personal vision of moi in my brand new "Oasis of Graciousness." At Casa Rachella, expect to hear the clinking of martini glasses mixed with the tinkling of laughter often, and to be enveloped in various titillating aromas wafting from my vastly more spacious kitchen, and to hear the mellow strains of Coltrane emanating from my iPod attached to my Bose portable speakers that I only used once or twice at the Liza(rd), because who really needs bangin', boombastic sound when you're by yourself in a sparse, temporary, uninviting environment?
Yes, dear readers, I fully intend to make my mark in Nairobi as the Hostess With The Most-est. But only people with positive energy are welcome...don't need any bad vibes in the Casbah. Don't bring me any phoniness, or drama.
In fact, I'm thinking of having a sign made. It'll read,
"Abandon Hype, All Ye Who Enter. There's Jes' Chillaxin' Up In Here." Or something classy like that. Anyway, I plowed through a lot of unpacking and organizing this weekend, and will post some pictures soon. I promise.
Hey, better late than never!
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