So I've been following the New York Post cartoon controversy whenever I get a chance over here. Granted, by the time I viewed it, I'd already read a couple dozen news items about how offended and upset people were over the image of a policeman shooting a crazed chimp and suggesting that said chimp had written the trillion dollar budget rescue legislation.
When I finally saw the drawing, I could understand where they were coming from. America's racial legacy is like a noose whose knot is still loosening. Anybody who thinks it's been fully removed because of President Obama's election
is either hopelessly naive or downright stupid.
But a part of me stopped just short of jumping into the breech with the rest of the howling protestors. A part of me couldn't help thinking, "What if that cartoonist wasn't a racist a**hole advocating violence against our President? What if he's just a hamfisted hack who tried and failed to shoehorn two wildly unrelated news events into the same panel???"
"I'm just sayin', dawg..."
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