Is it just me, or do we all look middle-aged?? I guess that's 'cause we are, huh? It's actually the first time I've EVER looked at a picture of myself and been so thoroughly convinced of that fact.
It's probably because I look a lot like my mother in this shot. A lot. A WHOLE VERY LOT. Same face shape, same smile, same height, everything. In fact, I'm starting to see her frequently these days--every time I look in a mirror, to be specific. That's mostly because I'm putting on weight that probably ain't going anywhere anytime soon, and my face is filling out more.
Now, I wish I could say I was totally cool with that. And please know that I mean no disrespect to Eloise Jones by admitting that seeing her face in the spot where mine used to be is starting to freak me out a bit. It's just that you hear about these things happening to other people, and you blithely hum along thinking it'll never happen to you.
But there you have it. Actually, I suppose it's kind of fitting that in a picture of the participants of the first ever of its kind meeting of people doing what I'm doing for the organization I work for, I would see Eloise Jones staring back at me.
After all, if she hadn't been so dang-blasted determined that I would get an education, get the hell out of Cairo, Illinois, be independent and make something of myself, I might not have been in this picture. In fact, she always told me there was something different about me, that she knew from the moment of my birth that I was different than the others. As I've written before, it took 19 years of neurotic trauma for her to clarify that shit and tell me she meant that in a good way.
Whatever it takes, I suppose. Hell, look at where it got me.
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